Challenge: Create a new type of puzzle game for the iPhone.
- Timeline: 1 month, 2012
- Type/Setting: Start-up
- Team: Ian Thomassen Jacobsen, Tummas Jóhan Sigvardsen
- My role: We developed the game concept together. I was in charge of the visuals and assets development.
- Tools: Adobe Photoshop, Apple XCode
- Skills: Problem Scoping, UI/UX Design, Brainstorming, Concept development, Visuals, Game development, App Development (iPhone)
One evening, when Ian and I were discussing the best way to solve a Rubik’s cube, we talked about how fun it would be to create an alternative version of the puzzle, but for mobile devices. In the following weeks, we worked on the game and released it for Christmas 2012. Although the game was not a massive financial success, we ended up reaching 41st place for the most popular “paid”-game on the Danish
Rubix launched in December 2012, the same year as Apple launched the iPhone 5; just to give you a perspective of how long ago that actually is.