Tummas Jóhan Sigvardsen Get In Touch

Computer game created in a weekend

Wormsteak - A computer game made in 48 hours.

Challenge: Create a playable prototype of a computer game in 48 hours.

Join a group of parasites in this life-changing adventure, and save fictional lives in the process. After the home of a group of parasites gets eaten, the poor hivemind must try to survive the harsh conditions of a human digestive system. Enjoy navigating through the evil defense mechanisms of the human body, such as parasite-killing bacteria, acid, and puzzles specifically evolved to hinder progress of parasitic swarms.

While creating the game, we had a somewhat hard time at generating ideas. Our brainstorms went nowhere, basically. After a somewhat off-putting talk about parasites over a burger, we found the concept for the game - parasites and the harsh environment that they normally navigate - namely the human body. The game can run on Windows, MacOS and Linux.

Try the game here

Some team members (not me) went on to create a mobile version of the game. The final result of the game can be watched here


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Hello, I’m Tummas. Nice to see you!

I’m a Design Engineer with over 5 years of experience.

My skills include interaction design, product design, agile project management, UI/UX, problem scoping, prototyping, concept development, mobile design, branding, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, TypeScript, Flutter, Angular, mobile app development, front-end development, and team leadership.

I’d love to learn about your company and how I can help; feel free to email me!

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